On this page you can personalize it further to your own desired combination by choosing the:
• Colour & Type Box
• Colour & type ribbon
• Font(s) and colour text
→ Choice stress? Or do you prefer to let us decide for you? Choose ‘Atelier Blanc Decides’ and we will choose the best fitting option.
You can choose for 1 or 2 different font type(s) and we will place this as beautiful as possible on the balloon.
Height: 35 cm
Dependent on how well the balloon is taken care of, it will stay in good shape for 1 month and this can go up to several months.
The balloon is stronger than regular balloons, however it reacts like a balloon does. Therefore, always place the balloon in a place on room temperature, away from sunlight. When the balloon is exposed to large differences in temperature (hot/cold), this will cause the balloon to shrink. In addition, keep the balloon away from sharp objects and children.